Cross Flow Cooling Towers Rebuild, Eastern Canada

Rebuild Four Packaged Steel Double Flow Cross Flow Cooling Towers at Industrial Manufacturing Facility, Eastern Canada The original hung Fill Media on all four cells was badly damaged from ice accumulation over years of operation, the cold & hot water basins were rusted. The fill media was removed; the basins were mechanically cleaned and coated […]
Fill Media Replacement Industrial Facility, Ontario

The fill media was badly plugged on this two cell cooling tower and required replacement during a brief plant shutdown. Access was a major challenge and a Shute was constructed to allow for the safe an expedient disposal of the scale laden fill packs. The project was completed ahead of time. Fill media disposal via […]
Emergency Mechanical Replacement Toronto

The fan shaft on this Cooling Tower failed during the height of summer at a downtown Condo facility resulting in the unscheduled shutdown of the central air-conditioning system for the entire building. We replaced the entire mechanical section within 24 hours including a new fan shaft, fan wheels and bearings, all stock items in our […]
Maintenance Platforms, Mississauga Ontario

This project involved the design, fabrication and installation of a series of hot dipped galvanized steel maintenance work platforms to provide safe access to existing equipment. The challenge on this project was the extremely congested layout of the existing Ammonia Condensers, ammonia refrigerant lines, water pipes and electrical cables, which meant that the platforms had […]
ST. MICHAELS HOSPITAL Cross Flow Cooling Tower Repair

This Four Cell Series 3370 Packaged Steel Cross Flow Cooling Tower had badly scaled fill media resulting in significant loss in cooling efficiency. The Fill Media was removed and replaced with Brentwood XF75 High Efficiency Fill Media which is specifically designed for Cross Flow Cooling Towers, featuring integral drift eliminators and heavy duty PVC base […]
CELESTICA Cross Flow Cooling Tower Repair

There are Ten Fiberglass Cooling Towers located on the roof of the powerhouse at this facility all with badly damaged fill media resulting in loss of thermal performance as well significant water splash out of the loose damaged fill sheet, resulting in ice building up and corrosion of the supporting steel structure. The original PVC […]
BOYD GAMING COMMISSION Cross Flow Cooling Tower Repair

Our involvement in this project was to select, supply and provide installation drawings for the replacement fill media, base supports and intermediate supports for a total of Twelve large packaged steel cross flow cooling towers and design and supply new spray systems featuring large orifice spray nozzles for Two large induced draft counter flow cooling […]

Our involvement in this project was to produce a scope of work and all materials to completely rebuild this three cell Series 15 wooden field erected cross flow tower. The existing wooden lath splash fill and grid system was replaced using Brentwood Industries XF75 high efficiency fill media specifically designed for Cross Flow Cooling Towers […]

The original fixed blade OEM die cast fan assemblies on two single cell packaged steel towers were severely damaged when the fan shaft bearings failed and the fan blades made contact with the fan cylinders resulting in catastrophic fan blade failure. We selected and supplied new extruded aluminum “Cofimco” fan adjustable fan blade assemblies along […]

This Single Cell BAC Cross Flow cooling tower had damaged fill media caused by excessive water temperature being returned to the cooling tower from the process heat exchangers. The distorted fill media and integral drift eliminators resulted in water channeling through the damaged section of fill media and also resulted in excessive drift loss due […]